Multimedia Title Support Policy
Faulkner Press software will only reach full functionality as designed by interaction with Faulkner Press' computer networks. Hence, Faulkner Press pledges to provide for remote access of Faulkner Press' computer networks to all end user's who have purchased Faulkner Press software and who have registered with Faulkner Press for access. Faulkner Press also pledges to provide for remote access of Faulkner Press' computer networks by the instructor of record for any particular academic course as designated by that instructor's educational institution. Remote access to Faulkner Press' computer networks by end users and by instructors of record will be available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, although Faulkner Press reserves the right to take its computer networks off-line in the event of an emergency or for the limited purpose of maintenance during off-peak hours. After the one-time charge that is the initial purchase price of the Faulkner Press software, there is no additional charge for access to Faulkner Press computer networks. Note that Faulkner Press has designed its software to function at near full capacity even without interaction with Faulkner Press' computer networks. This unique design ensures that multiple copies of all critical data, including data associated with student progress and grading, are encrypted and saved on both the end user's computer and on the Faulkner Press computer networks. Once an end user purchases and registers a copy of Faulkner Press software, that end user may proceed through every facet of that software at the end user's convenience and need only interact with the Faulkner Press computer networks via remote access for the purpose of automatically reporting and recording that end user's progress and performance. Faulkner Press will also provide "help desk" support to end users and to instructors of record, by telephone and by electronic mail, regarding any technical questions which may arise using Faulkner Press software. Live telephone support by a native English speaker is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m., Eastern Standard Time. In some instances, callers may be asked to leave a message, and a Faulkner Press representative will return the phone call before the end of the next business day. Faulkner Press will not provide any information or advice to end users who are students regarding the educational content of Faulkner Press software or any academic assignment or any grading policy. Generally, the educational institution which employs the instructor of record assigning the Faulkner Press software remains responsible for (and in control of) all of the traditional academic functions of an educational institution, such as mentoring students, designating assignments, and determining grades. Faulkner Press will, in a timely manner, report all student progress and grading information to the instructor of record as designated by an educational institution such that the instructor of record can report all grades to the educational institution in a timely manner as required. Faulkner Press will also report any activity by end users which may be indicia of academic dishonesty to the instructor of record. Such information may include data indicating, for example, that students performed examinations or graded assignments in close proximity to one another or in sequence. Faulkner Press will, without charge, provide to an educational institution assigning Faulkner Press software such technical information and telephone assistance as is necessary to enable the educational institution to host the Faulkner Press software on the educational institution's computer networks, if such hosting has been specifically agreed to through a distribution agreement. In the event that an educational institution does host Faulkner Press software such that students may download a copy of that software, no copyrights shall be deemed to be transferred by virtue of the hosting arrangement, and the educational institution will provide only the initial copy of the software for download and will thereafter have no responsibilities regarding the functionality of that software. Faulkner Press honors the privacy of all end users and does not share end user information with any other person or entity, except to provide information about student progress and performance to the instructor of record who assigns a Faulkner Press product. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended (commonly known as the Buckley Amendment), is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to maintain the confidentiality of student education records. The law requires that no one outside the institution may have access to a student's education records, nor will the institution disclose any information from those records without the written consent of the student. The purpose of the law is to ensure the accuracy, integrity, and confidentiality of "education records" maintained by colleges and universities concerning students. Educational institutions are subject to the provisions of FERPA, but this federal law does not prevent a private publisher, such as Faulkner Press, from providing information regarding student progress and performance to the instructor of record when Faulkner Press software is used as part of an academic course at an educational institution. Nevertheless, Faulkner Press believes that best practices for publishers of educational software require such publishers to behave as if FERPA applied to them and to support all educational institutions in their effort to comply with state and federal laws regarding student privacy. Thus, whenever this Faulkner Press Software is used as part of an academic course at an educational institution, Faulkner Press will: a.) collect only the following directory information from each student end user: o Student name o Electronic mail address o Student local ID number o Student Network address(es) o Student local address and telephone number o Student home address and telephone number o Date(s) of attendance o Student course work and testing o Evaluation outcomes earned, with place & time data b.) forward only this directory information only to the instructor of record as designated by the educational institution. c.) not otherwise release or make available any of the above directory information to any other person or to the general public or to any private entity under any circumstances, except that Faulkner Press reserves the right to use directory information as evidence in any lawsuit filed by a student end user which alleges wrongdoing by Faulkner Press. Please note that Faulkner Press does not collect or archive any financial information, including credit card numbers or bank account numbers, regarding end users, other than simply confirming that end users have compensated Faulkner Press.
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