The Activity Window
The Activity Window includes educational activities that have been
created by your professor. These items include module details,
lecture outlines, seminar themes, selected readings on important
topics, assessment exercises, bibliographic information, and links to
other internet resources.
NOTE: The Activity window resources are provided to "as is." We
use our best efforts to maintain the activity resources, but are not
responsible for the results of any defects or inaccuracies that may
exist in material outside of the Classroom Companion ? CD realm
of control. Faulkner Press makes no endorsement or guarantees as to
such sites, products or information, including as to:(i)the accuracy,
currency, content, or quality of any such sites and information,
property or (ii)whether a Classroom Companion? link may locate
unintended and objectionable content.
To access the Activity window click on the Activity button at the
top of the application window. The activity window has several
important buttons.
- Search: Opens the search section to provide a search for a
desired topic or phrase. To perform a search, type the search
topic into the "Keyword" query box.
- Print: Clicking the print button will print the contents of
the activity window. If the assessment section is active, the
print button will print your test statistics.
- Open Additional Window: Selecting this button will open a new
window that contains a copy of the contents of the activity
- Text to Speech: When the text to speech button is selected,
the text in the activity window will be read to the student.
- Export to Notepad: Selecting the export to notepad button will
send the text of the activity window to the Notepad window.
At the top of the activity window are four buttons:Orientation,
Slide Tray, Library and Assessment.
- Orientation: The Orientation window provides information about
the class that is being studied with the Classroom Companion
- Highlights: With the activity window hilight slide tray,
students can jump to any slide within the presentation. Thumbnail
representations of all of the slides contained within the
presentations are present in the slide tray.
- Library: The Library section contains the lecture materials
provided by the professor. These materials may include lectures
material, selected readings, graphics, readings, indexes, or
activity guides. To access the material in the library section,
click on the library menu. In the Reference Selection and you will
find folders for Course Material and Topic material. These
sections correspond to the material covered in each of the content
topics. Classic publications also appear in this window.
- Assessment: The assessment section contains interactive
practice activities that test your knowledge of concepts covered
in the class material.
Assessment Menu Items
- Multiple Choice and True-False Questions: The choice questions
section contains multiple choice questions that students can
answer for practice. To choose a topic, simply click the circle
next to the topic.
- Testing Statistics: The testing statistics area displays
information about the work a student has completed while answering
a multiple choice question topic.
- Last test score: The percent score of the most recent
- Start: Begins a practice exercise for the topic selected.
- Items remaining: The items remaining field shows how many
questions are left for the selected topic. As you answer questions
correctly, the number in this field will decrease. When the Items
Remaining field says zero, then you know that you have seen and
correctly answered all of the questions for the selected topic at
least once.
- Items answered correctly: This field shows the total number of
questions correctly answered for the selected topic.
- Item answered: This field shows the total number of questions
asked for the selected topic.
- Total score in percent: The percent score of you practice
tests (questions answered correctly /questions answered).
What is a Practice Exercise?
Each topic displayed under "Choice Questions" contains a set
number of multiple choice or True-False questions. When you select a
topic and push the generate exam button, you will be given a
"practice exercise".
This practice exercise is a randomly chosen selection of some of
the questions in the topic you chose. The default number of questions
displayed is 10, but this number can be changed by the student. When
you answer a practice question correctly, you will not see that
question again in subsequent practice exercises until you answer ALL
of the topic questions. Each practice exercise should only contain
questions that you have not answered, or have answered incorrectly.
Once you answer all of the questions for a topic correctly, all of
the questions for that topic will become available again.
Beginning a Practice Exercise
To begin a practice exercise, click the circle next to the topic
you would like to test yourself on, then click the "Start" button. If
you select multiple topics your exercise will contain questions for
each of the topics selected.
When you click the Generate Exam button, the assessment menu will
disappear and you will see the first practice question and
corresponding answer choices. To answer the question, click the
circle next to your answer choice.
You can also select your answer by pressing the corresponding
number key on your keyboard (for example, if you wanted to choose the
first answer choice, you could press the number 1 key on your
If the current practice question includes an image, the image will
be displayed in the lower right corner of the assessment window. To
advance to the next question click on the forward/backward arrows
located in the top left corner of the test window (next to the
question number). You can also navigate the questions by clicking on
the RIGHT and LEFT arrow keys on your keyboard. Click on the left
arrow key for the previous question, click on the right arrow key for
the next question.
NOTE - You will NOT be able to access the
other application windows (such as the Presentation Window or Notepad
Window)while you are taking a practice exercise.
Grading the Practice Exercise
Once you answer the 10 questions, open the assessment menu by
clicking the "Menu" button. You will notice that the "Generate Exam"
button is now labeled "Grade Exam". Push the "Grade Exam" button to
grade the 10 questions you just answered. The test statistics for the
selected topic will update and your score for the 10 questions will
appear in the Latest Score field. You will not be able to grade the
10 questions until all of the questions have been answered.
Checking Your Work
To check your answers, simply close the assessment menu by
clicking the "Menu" button. You will see the questions you were asked
and you answer choices. Incorrect answer choices will appear in red,
correct answer choices will appear in green.
NOTE - Some professors may choose to highlight the correct
answer if an incorrect answer was given, or provide an explanation of
the correct answer. Providing correct answers or explanations is
completely at the discretion of the professor teaching the class, and
is subject to change between semesters. If available, explanations of
answers will appear in the lower right corner of the assessment
window after the exercise has been graded.
If you would like to continue testing yourself after you check
your work, simply open the assessment menu by clicking the "Menu"
button, select the topic you would like to test yourself on and click
the generate exam button. There is no limit to the number of times
you can view and answer questions from the topic choices in the
assessment menu.
Sending Your Practice Results
Some professors may require students to turn in the results of
their practice exercises. To do so, click on the FILE button in the
top left corner of the assessment window, then select SEND. See the
Output Window section for more information.
Graded Online Exercises
During the semester your professor may choose to assign an online
exercise in which your graded work is sent to the Online Grade Book.
In such cases, you will be given a nine digit exercise code to enter
in the three white boxes found in the testing menu. In most cases the
entire exercise code will automatically fill in after the first 3
characters are typed into the first exercise code box. Your professor
will provide you with the exercise codes that are needed.
It is very important that you enter the exercise correctly. Once
the exercise code autofills, do not change any of the characters. The
exercise code entered determines the number of questions to answer,
the allotted time to answer the questions, and the topics that the
questions come from. If you enter an incorrect exercise code, you
will be given the wrong exercise questions, the wrong number of
questions, or the incorrect amount of time in which to complete the
NOTE: An exercise code can be used only
ONE time. You will NOT be
able to use an exercise code a second time if you have already
entered it and begun a graded exercise. If it is necessary for you to
retake a graded exercise you must contact your professor for an
alternate exercise code.
Once the exercise code has been properly entered, click the
"Generate Exam" button. You will be prompted with a screen describing
the conditions of the graded exercise. Please read these directions
carefully, as they will outline the number of questions, contact
information, etc for the graded exercise you are about to take. The
direction box will also state the allotted time for the graded online
After closing the direction box, you will see the first question
of the graded online exercise. Simply answer all of the questions as
you would a normal practice exercise, advancing through the questions
with the arrow keys or forward/backward buttons. Once you complete
the graded online exercise, you can grade your work by clicking on
the "Menu" button in the top left corner of the screen, then clicking
on the "Grade Exam" button.
The online exercise are timed. The time allowed is mentioned in
the direction box that appears when you push the Generate Exam
button. The timer in the upper right corner of the assessment window
keeps track of the amount of time you have spent working on the
online exercise. Once the timer reaches the allotted time, the online
exercise will end and your work will be graded.
You must be connected to the internet before you can take an
online exercise. To check your connection status, click on the
Control button at the top of the application window.
Sending Your Graded Online Exercise Results.
When you have completed all of the questions in the graded online
exercise and pressed the Grade Exam button, your scores will
automatically be sent to the Online Grade Book. Unlike the practice
exercises, your professor has automatic access to these graded online
exercise scores and can use them for class credit.
You can also send your results to the Online Grade Book by
clicking on the FILE button located at the top left corner of the
application window, then selecting SEND. |